How to create a list of species that either of two users have not observed

For example, the below link shows all unobserved animal species in South Australia that I do not have. Is there a way to modify this to look for animal species from South Australia that either me or another person don’t have?

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Did you try adding &unobserved_by_user_id=ThatOtherUsernameHere to the end of your url?,second_person_id

Just add a comma and enter the second person’s id

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Yes, unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work and just creates a list of all taxa that suit my filter regardless of whether either/both have seen it.

And this also does the same. I’m not entirely sure why.

is this just out of curiosity, or do you have a practical use case for wanting this data?

My partner and I are just interested in having a dynamic list of species left for us to find.

the only existing tool that i’m aware of that will sort of handle your request is @kildor’s Missing Species tool.

your exsting query will compare taxa from verifiable animal observations at species level from South Australia against any of your observed taxa from anywhere.

kildor’s tool can’t get you exactly that, but it can compare species from verifiable animal observations at species level and lower from South Australia against species from verifiable animal observations at species level and lower from South Australia by you and another user.

if you want to get something closer to what your existing query does, it’s possible to do this by getting two lists of taxa and then comparing those, but it’s a little less automated (unless you write your own script or tool to do the comparison).


If you narrow your searches to results that will have fewer than 500 taxa, you can use iNat’s compare tool:


Both of the above solutions work a charm, cheers guys!

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