I keep randomly coming across iNat journal posts and profiles that have some useful links to identification resources and even the guides themselves in the journals, but is there somewhere that pulls together these resources that makes them more accessible to people that are trying to find them?
It seems like it would be ideal if there were a wiki or something that anyone could edit to add links to identification resources. This, of course, could get really complicated if it were thorough as so many taxa are involved and guides could be regional and/or taxon specific. The closest thing I’ve found on the forum is this, which is kind of similar to what I’m thinking about but may need to have levels upon levels to actually contain all the resources out there. With plants alone, there could be hundreds or thousand of both regional guides and guides that are global but taxon specific.
I’ve been thinking it would be good to make some identification guides but it is so hard to know if someone has made one already or not as there doesn’t seem to be a place to pull all these resources together. There’s no reason to duplicate the effort if something already exists. The problem is there are so many useful guides in random places that the average person looking for them will probably never find many of them.
If someone wants to really help with IDing taxa they aren’t that familiar with, it would be good to make it as easy as possible for them to find the resources that will help them ID the groups they’d like to focus on. Seems like a single place to look for these resources would be the way to go.