With the start of the new year, maybe some of you are considering attempting an iNat Big Year. Having just completed one in 2023, I endorse your impulse! If it helps you get started, I wanted to suggest some potential categories for iNat goal-setting:
Bog-standard Big Year categories
– # of verifiable observations
– # of identifications
– # of species or unique taxa
– # of days with a verifiable observations (i.e., daily streak)
Quality-over-quantity Big Year categories
– # of leading or improving identifications
– # of newly added species or unique taxa for you
– # of days/weeks/months with a newly added species/taxon (i.e., new-to-you species streak)
[edit to add from posts below – some paraphrasing for clarity]
Social Big Year categories
– # of iNat people with whom you make an observation with
– # of finatics (metric defined here) you can capture in one image
– # of new users you help get started or welcome on iNaturalist
Any other suggestions from the crowd? If any of you commit to a big year in 2024 and want some encouragement along the way, drop a comment or journal post with your goals, and I’ll be happy to cheer you along!
Obligatory moose pic. One Big Year goal that I made up during the year and missed on was 365 moose observations, on average one per day. Alas, I think I’ll top out at ~330. One day I’ll attempt again…