iNaturalist Bingo: a monthly observation quest!

I love this idea, but it’s not working very well for me either. The first time I clicked “auth” it sent me to the correct page; however, when I clicked the button to allow it to access my account info, it went to and displayed a blank page. When I refreshed the page, it switched to Now when I click “auth” it goes straight to the blank page and behaves exactly the same way. I can change the place setting, at least.

Edit: I just tried again and it sent me to 429 Too Many Requests.

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I got 3 fours but no complete rows. Too many insects, I don’t know my local insects very well, there are so many.

I love this idea, but it’s not working very well for me either. The first time I clicked “auth” it sent me to the correct page; however, when I clicked the button to allow it to access my account info, it went to and displayed a blank page. When I refreshed the page, it switched to Now when I click “auth” it goes straight to the blank page and behaves exactly the same way. I can change the place setting, at least.

I’m also having this problem. Tried it on both Chrome and Edge with the same result. I can change my location just fine, but clicking ‘Auth’ takes it to a blank page.


Why does the page need us to log in at all? Shouldn’t it be able to access a list of our observations from just our username?


does this actually limit the scope of the JWT?

i might be wrong, but it doesn’t look like you’re making an authenticated request when trying to get the user’s observations (btw – i think, really, you should be getting observations/species_counts, filtered by the same taxa as the source list, so you’re not limited to 200 observations), and i don’t think you’re limiting that request by place either. so i’m not sure why your app even needs to to make any authenticated requests.

it seems like you’re asking the user to select a place. why not just ask the user to type in their login at the same time?

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Ah, drat, it looks l managed to break something by trying to reduce the scope of the access token. It meant that requesting a JWT broke :sweat: So maybe there’s something else I need to do to reduce the scope of the JWT? In any case, I’ve reverted that change for now so authentication should be working again.

I want to authenticate because it seems to me like the easiest way to fill in your iNaturalist username, preferable over typing it in, though theoretically that would also work. I just think it’s a slightly worse experience :)

Ah, this is useful info! In order to choose the species to show, it selects randomly from the top 500 most-observed species in your location, historically, during the current month of the year (excluding this year). Where I’ve been testing (in the San Francisco Bay Area and other areas) there are 1000s of observed species, so even the 500th-most-observed species observed in January has 5 observations.

But I should probably set a threshold here! Picking from research-grade historical observations seems like a good idea, and perhaps a minimum count of N observations to pick the species that go on the card (maybe N=5?). I’ll file this away as an idea for next month—if I change the algorithm now, everyone’s card will change!

Tried and it works great for me, a really fun idea. The only very slight problem was that it didn’t find my exact location. Perhaps not surprising as it’s a small town in Italy with (I imagine) only my observations :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:! I did though find somewhere relatively near and the observations proposed were absolutely plausible for this month in my area. I would love to give it a try, but unfortunately (although predictably) nearly all the observations are birds and they are quite DEFINITELY not my strong point. Maybe I’ll try again in spring.

something i tend to do on simple pages is just to allow the user to specify parameters in the URL. that way, they can bookmark it, and it automatically fills in whatever they need. for example: or


This is really cool! I like the way it is limited to organisms with at least 5 observations. I couldn’t believe that 5 Orbellia barbata flies were seen in my area in January since I only recalled seeing 1 of them. But when I clicked on the species name on the bingo card to double check, sure enough, 6 had been seen, and I had actually seen 3 of them, not just 1. Likewise with other species on the card. It’s great that the card includes insects, mammals, birds, and plants. Everyone is bound to get some unfamiliar species, and then it’s time to study up and go hunting. Well done!

Now I see my name at the bottom of the page, thank you, but the species I have observed this month are still not marked on the card. Do I have to have observed them in the actual area I have specified? There is no defined place in iNat that I live in, other than the whole state which gives me lots of things I am never going to see. So I chose the nearest defined area I could find (place 14593), but it is not a place I have done any observations this month. Is that why my obs aren’t marked on my bingo card?

You should definitely narrow to research grade only. Don’t know about the minimum. The card might not fill up. I just looked at all the observations for my county in January. There just isn’t a lot of activity here in January apparently.

Not limiting to RG:
235 observations
135 species
5 species with 5 or more obs

Limiting to RG:
147 observations
84 species
4 species with 5 or more obs

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Good concept, but I don’t think I will be participating. If I could specify what order, family etc it would give me, I would participate. I only really do observations of Jumping spiders and sometimes ants, and I don’t really have a drive to observe mushrooms, woodpeckers and flowers. (Which are the main things in my areas) also, having Brown Recluse and large wasps on the list, I’m not sure I’m gonna risk that. I’m not asking you to change anything, I’m sure other users with more variety in their observations will have a great time with this. :+1:t2:


Yes, I did not liked this at all.

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I’ve filed a feature request to improve this, but it hasn’t yet been approved in the Feature Requests section. I need a way to get a user’s ID from a login scoped OAuth access token, which doesn’t seem to be possible currently.

Starting next month, the app will restrict the species on the card to those with research-grade observations in the chosen location! Thanks for the idea :)


I guess I’m going to play Hardin Co, TX this month instead of my home county. I don’t live far from the border.

I actually saw several of these when I was there last week, but didn’t take photos of them. I’ll just have to go back. :grinning: I think I can easily get the 4th row. I can get the 4th column if I can find out where to find some orange jelly spot. All the other ways require me to find a less commonly seen animal.

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Awesome idea, but of course I would welcome choice of location. The current game shows me species that don’t grow in my place. I’d love to travel and see them in real life, but that’s not possible for now :)
I live in Poland and it’s winter now, so our choice of species to observe is rather limited. I can’t observe birds with my equipment and limited possibilities, I rather concentrate on plants and fungi, and I’m waiting for spring.

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You choose location at the bottom of the page.


This is a nice idea.

I have been using something like this to teach and explain bio-diversity.