Apologies for my tardiness! Here’s a list of iNat updates for October 2024.
- A new Computer Vision model was released!
- Over 1 million observations with sounds have been posted to iNat!
- Started an identification pilot program to help onboard new users
- iNat Head of Engagement Carrie Seltzer spoke several times at COP16 and did a short interview with medicenkuki on Instagram (intro is in Spanish, interview in English with Spanish subtitles)
- The iNat team continues to gather feedback for the iNaturalist Next app, which has been soft-launched for iPhones.
- Continued work on API v2 - curators can test it and provide feedback, see this topic
- Many additional translations throughout the websites and apps - you can help
- The “anomaly detector” was released for the Identify page, which helps to surface interesting or erroneous observations.
- Various small bug fixes and changes.
- Several bugfix releases, the latest of which is 1.35.5 (619)
- The Android app’s replacement continues to be in pre-Alpha testing
Legacy iOS & iPadOS
- No new version release
- Released October challenge
- No new version released
- Internal testing with an updated onboard model
iNaturalist Next (currently iPhone only)
- Continued work on functionality for projects
- Various bug fixes
iNat Blog
- October 2nd: New Computer Vision Model (v2.16) with over 1,000 new species!
- October 2nd: Using the Geomodel to Highlight Unusual Observations
- October 4th: The First Dichostatoides Beetle Posted to iNaturalist! - Observation of the Week, 10/4/24
- October 4th: 1,000,000 Observations with Sounds on iNaturalist!
- October 9th: How do you prounounce “Syzygium”? - Observation of the Week, 10/9/24
- October 15th: Identifier Profile: @rlucine
- October 17th: Hundreds of lost species rediscovered on iNaturalist
- October 21st: Do you have a clear plan for your biodiversity legacy?
- October 22nd: Identification Pilot to Onboard New Users
- October 30th: Target Species: Golden-Rumped Sengi - Observation of the Week, 10/30/24
For even more bug fixes and updates, check out iNaturalist on github and see previous monthly updates.