Incompatibility of Date Updated and Ascending Filters

Platform: Website

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc): Edge

URLs of any relevant observations or pages: Identify · iNaturalist

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem:

Step 1: Go to Identify tab from Dashboard

Step 2: Set Sort By filters to Date Updated + Ascending

Step 3: Confirm filters by clicking Update Search or anywhere outside of the Filters box

Step 4: Reopen the Filters box

For reasons unknown I am unable to filter observations by Ascending after filtering them by Date Updated. Moreover, even if I filter them by Ascending beforehand, they aren’t properly rearranged, and the Ascending filter automatically switches to Descending.

I’ve had weird stuff with ascending/descending not working until I manually changed the URL. I never looked into a replicable bug, but does that work for you?

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After filtering by Date Updated + Ascending, the prompt order_by=updated_at&order=asc is visible in the tab’s URL, but the observations aren’t rearranged and the Filters box shows Descending as opposed to Ascending. Weird.

Not only that but I identified about 640 observations of the genus Betula from Québec, but only 218 of them were marked as reviewed apparently?? Mind you they should all have been marked as such automatically (sure thought they had been) and I didn’t deliberately unreview over 400 of them.

Forget that I just didn’t filter for Research Grade observations in addition to Casual an Needs ID.

I had problems yesterday, the part of url with asc. just didn’t want to be taken away, so however I changed the setting, order didn’t change, I deleted the part manually and all worked again. It was not the first time this part was glitching.

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