Today I have been trouble accessing my individual observations. I can still upload, however when I get a notification that someone has left a comment or ID, I can’t click into the observation. I use Safari. The URL changes in browser and then it just loads and loads and loads continuously. I tried logging in on Chrome browser and it works fine. If I try to view anyone else’s observations, same thing, it just loads and loads and never lands on the page.
Is this a common bug for Safari, does it resolve itself, or do I have to keep using Chrome for iNat only now?
I’ve noticed other people have issues with observations page not loading. For me the observation page loads, but when I click to go to the individual page (to reply to comments, add ID, etc) these pages just have infinite scroll and never load
Can someone who’s experiencing this please open up your browser’s console, load the page, and take a screenshot that includes the console in it?
Unfortunatey opening the console is a multi-step process in Safari: you have to first go to Settings and turn on the Develop menu. Then when you try to load the iNat page and get the spinner, go to the Develop menu and select Show Javascript Console. Then please take a screenshot. It should look somehting like this:
I have been having a similar (maybe the same?) problem for the past couple days, on Safari on iPhone only. Chrome and Safari on laptop work just fine. The dashboard page as well as explore and identify work fine but then I cannot click to individual observations, it just infinitely loads. Tried clearing history and cookies and nothing.
We released a fix for this. Can people affected by it please try again and let us know if the observation pages are loading now? I don’t have an older version of Safari to test with.