Invitation to Competitive Bioblitz Jan 2nd (Bay Area, California)

I am thrilled to invite all naturalists to Sugarloaf Ridge State Park to join a bioblitz game called “The Winning Inch.” Teams (called inches) of three iNaturalists have one full day (Jan 2nd 2022, rain date Jan 9th 2022) to document as much of the biodiversity of the park as they can according to The Winning Inch Game Rules:

All participants will be given a free day pass to the park. Additionally, participants are invited to camp at our group campsite the evening after the event.

Signup form:

Each member of your inch should fill out this form, but please make sure all three enter the same Inch Name. Please contact me with questions. I hope to see you!
Winning Inch Flier

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That would be the iconic local Inch Bug?

Inch is what I call a group of naturalists, 'cause that’s how we move.

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ah yes, the ‘Naturalist Crawl’, bane of hikers who like to cover long distances.


What? Are we getting a reputation for blocking the trails?


It so happens I will be visiting family members in Washington on that day. Oh, well.

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