Easter Weekend 2020 International BioBlitz

Hello !

I am reaching out to iNaturalist users from around the world to join an Internation Easter BioBlitz during these “socially distant” times:

This BioBlitz runs from the start of Good Friday (11/04/2020) to the end of Easter Monday (13/04/2020).

As the Covid-19 outbreak forces many of us to remain at home, this event seeks to virtually bring people together and encourage local exploration of nature, wherever you may live. I apologize for the late notice, yet there is still time for more people to join !

To participate, simply respond, at any time between now and the end of the 13th April 2020, to this message with your iNaturalist User-Name and I will add your username to the project filter. Please feel free to share this event with family, friends, and colleagues.

Good BioBlitzing everyone and stay safe please.

Steve J. McWilliam (SteveMcBill)


happy to join again :)

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I’d love to take part, thanks for setting this up! My iNaturalist username is the same as here (@alexis_orion)

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+me, name is the same, and @aigorbunov
btw it starts tomorrow it says

All of our county parks have been closed during this weekend to minimize contact risk. I will still try to make some observations. @mikef451

Great idea! I’d love to take part, my inat username is the same as on here. (@sam727)

You’re welcome to include any observations I ( @kitbeard) make in that time, but I don’t know how much I’ll manage. Will this new feature of projects be of use to you? https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/new-feature-project-members-only-setting-on-collection-projects/11222

Is this only for countries on lockdown, or all users?
If the latter, why not just create a collection project?

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It is a collection project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/easter-weekend-2020-international-bioblitz

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Happy to take part.


Happy to participate–it’s a fun rite of spring, even if all my observations come from my garden. My forum user name is the same as my iNat. user name. Thank you for posting this note! :smile:


Actually, I just used the link to join up myself so no need to add me in. Thanks again!

I would love to join! @nick2524

you can add me too though i may not get much given the weather and season. @charlie

I’d love to join in @jabrams_foc

I am also happy to join! Have the same name here as in iNat (@ajott)

Not sure what my weekend looks like but I have lots of rocks to turn over in my backyard. Thanks for organizing something to strive for. :-)

user name on iNat : @mmmiller

Hi, this is vicki936 - I am pretty new to this site but I am enjoying making observations and learning about them. I would like to participate in this Easter weekend event but my stuff will be pretty boring because it will mostly be from my back yard! Thanks everyone!

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Back yard is the most non-boring place.)


Happy to add some observations to this blitz. Name is klodonnell.

Welcome, vicki936. If you haven’t found this thread, check it out:

I don’t have anything quite as exciting as most people in that thread. It’s too early for insects and spring migration for backyard birds. But I’ve turned over a few rocks and found some millipedes, centipedes, and a slug!

I did have a wild turkey and a opossum in my backard (I live in a decidedly urban setting but with some wild areas not too far away). And we had a whole family of fat raccoons one evening after dark. That doesn’t sound exciting but we do get occasional flyovers of Bald Eagles (which excites some folks but around here, they’re pretty commonplace) and we have a resident Merlin in the neigborhood. I don’t really have the capacity to photograph those, however, so they’d never make iNat.