Two iOS photo upload bugs

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): iOS 14.3

App version number: 3.0.6 build 610

Screenshots of what you are seeing: Screen Shot Video’s in inat help email, with a link to this posting

Description of problem

Bug 1:

Step 1: Click Observe
Step 2: Click camera roll
Step 3: Click the picture which is being uploaded for the observation
Step 4: Click Add
Step 5: Click the photo in the upper half of the screen to enlarge it
Step 6: Swipe the photo down to go back to the previous screen
Result: Observation upload closes and the app freezes *See video in inat help email

This is repeatable, however if you click the done button instead of swiping down during step 6, the observation does not close, and continues normally.

Bug 2:

I previously reported this in another thread, I have since updated my iOS12.4 to 14.3. The issue continues

October 10th: “This just started happening in the last hour or so and it may be related to a new topic on the android app. It won’t let me delete photos from an observation, (it lets you delete it, but it doesn’t save to the database”

I figured it deserved a more detailed breakdown

Step 1: Click an existing observation
Step 2: Click edit
Step 3: Click the “x” to remove the unwanted picture
Step 4: Click Done
Step 5: Let iNat sync
Step 6: Click the same observation again
Step 7: Click the picture.
Result: The picture that was just deleted will reappear. *See video in iNat help email

Bug 1: the app looks like it freezes (and the screen image shrinks a bit) but if you swipe down again it springs back into action. A bug, but in my experience not an unrecoverable one. See the bug report here:

Bug 2: this should be fixed in 3.1, which is rolling out in the App Store this week.

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Bug 1: you are correct, I’m surprised I hadn’t noticed it till I upgraded to OS14
Bug 2: Look forward to that


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