I want to use the Taxa criteria of an existing Project - Pollen Specialist Bees of NYC - to create a new project with a different Place boundary. The list of taxa is extensive, nearly 200 species. I don’t want to duplicate the effort of typing it all in.
I can Duplicate Project when editing one of my own Projects. But I do not own the existing Project.
I’ve looked at both the source project, and creating a new one. I can find no option to copy the existing project to a new one, nor to model a new project based on an existing one.
Am I missing something? Or does this capability not exist for anyone other than the Project Owner?
I don’t know of a way to do this, but you could ask the project owner to make a duplicate, then add you as an admin, and delete themselves (or not if you feel like sharing). Not too much effort for them, and they might be willing to help.