None of those observations could be added to the project “Tucson Neighborhood Naturalist”: collection and umbrella projects do not allow direct submission
Am I doing something wrong? Or do I simply not know how to do it?
Actually, this is what I intended to do from the outset. But of course, I have the cart in front of the horse.
Collection projects (and umbrella projects which simply group multiple ones into a larger bundle) do not require (or even allow) manually adding records. They automatically add all records which meet their criteria. Effectively they are saved searches.
If you wish the relevant project badge to appear on your observation, you need to join the project via the button on its home page.
You need to reduce the uncertainty buffer on your observation to something less than the current 12,500 meters. While the pin is just barely in the area of the project, that large buffer which contains significant space outside it blocks it from the project.
You, it is on your observation. No one other than the observation owner can edit observation data like that. You need to go into edit mode and change that value to something much, much lower due to the record being so close to the geographic border of the project. Likely no more than 100 to 200 meters.
All good! Not sure if you’ve seen the Getting Started guide, but that’s a good place to start, along with the other pages you see listed on the left in the Help section: