in case it might help anyone, i made a Jupyter notebook with Python code that can be used / adapted to update a project when using the standard project edit screen is not possible / ideal, such as in the following cases:
- Edit screen won’t save your changes (as described in this thread)
- Sync your project taxon rules with an iNat list (as a better-than-nothing-option unless / until is implemented)
- Copy rules from another another project (such as described in
in addition, the notebook could be used / adapted to extract lists of taxa (with ids) from from a project’s rules or an iNat list, exract lists of users from a project’s rules, or extract lists of places from a project’s rules.
the notebook code is stored in GitHub at:
you can run the Notebook directly in your browser here:
key steps for using it would be:
- define your target
- set up your
- input your
- run