Is there a way to lock zoom level for the suggestions tab in Identify?

I use the “Lock zoom level” feature on the info tab in Identify mode, but it zooms back out when I switch over to the suggestions tab. Since each suggested taxon has its own distribution map, I then must manually zoom in on each suggestion to see whether it has nearby observations. If I switch filters (i.e Visually Similar to Checklist), the zoom level resets all over again.

Is there a way to “Lock zoom level” on the suggestions tab like there is on the info tab?

Putting this in General as I’m not sure if it’s already a feature — can move to Feature Requests if not.

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On the suggestions tab, no.

For the type of identifying I do I’ve never felt the need to zoom in on those maps, since they’re supposed to just show you if a taxon has been seen anywhere in the general area. For me the zoomed out view is preferable, but that certainly may not be the case for other uses of Identify. What are you identifying?

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Me too. Zoom in, again …

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For me, the zoomed out map is not particularly helpful when I’m identifying plants in a region with a high variety of ecosystems. The zoomed out view can only tell me whether or not that plant has been observed in the 10-30 km vicinity (this might vary by screen size). Within that region, topography is so variable that I don’t know whether those observations took place at the top of a mountain or below sea level. Many of the native plants I identify are restricted to specific elevations, soils, etc, so knowing the precise range is important.


You also need to check the accuracy of the location.

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