Journal posts have lost formatting

hmmm… i’m not sure what to make of this. something similar to something described in a previous thread might be happening here, but i don’t see an obvious way to replicate the behavior here, and without messing around directly with your edit text, there’s no easy way for me to narrow things down much more on my end.

if you want to do further troubleshooting, you could do something similar to what you did with the Gahnia Grove journal post, breaking it up into multiple chunks to see how the individual chunks react. i would break this post up in the middle of the problematic section. so for example, if maybe for chunk 1, go from the beginning to what we were calling paragraph J, and then for chunk 2, go from paragraph J to the end. then based on what you see, do other variations to try to narrow down the issue.

other than that, it would take probably staff to get an exact copy of your edit text from the database (or by logging in as you) and then debug exactly what the code does when it gets to paragraph A.