Translation definitely matters to us, but we’re a small team and it’s one of many things we need to deal with in mobile app development. Our Android app and iPhone app also follow different development schedules due to the varied responsibilities of the people who work on them, so some of these questions will have two answers for each app.
We integrate crowdin translations into the Android code base once a month (usually at the beginning of the month), but we only release new version of the app when we’re confident that the current build is stable, so that’s not on a set schedule. We might do 3 releases in a month, or we might not release for over a month because we keep finding bugs that we don’t want to unleash on you all.
The iPhone app is even less scheduled, due to the fact that Alex divides his time between that and work on our computer vision system, so it’s hard to say when translations will get released. We get to them when we have time.
You will need to wait for the app update.
I’m pretty sure I approved your contributions to the Android strings, which I do as a part of the monthly integration, and that the iPhone ones are just awaiting a look from Alex. My general process is to run a few of a user’s translations through Google Translate to make sure they’re not spam or way off base, and if that spot check seems ok, I’m mostly just checking to make sure none of the translations have formatting problems (missing variables, additional variables, HTML problems, etc.).
Re: being a proofreader, you’ve added a bunch and you have a ton of iNat obs, so I’ll make you a proofreader for Lithuanian.
You don’t need to translate 100%. The only translation files we don’t include are the ones that are 0% translated. It’s different on translatewiki.
Sure. You just need to add a new translation and then it will need to get approved (or approve it yourself, since you’re now a Lithuanian proofreader).
If you’re referring to this post, I actually wouldn’t incorporate these names because they have no source. I guess the file itself could be considered a source, but it seems like it will disappear in 21 days so it’s not very stable. When I add common names en masse, I generally want a URL that will tell me where the names came from and who was responsible, even if that’s just an individual. Maybe you could upload them to Google Sheets or something. That would represent a more stable source. IMO, that’s a topic for another thread, since common names are separate from translations.
Re: urgency, we work on our own schedule, so we can’t guarantee that anything will happen at any given time. I realize that’s not very satisfying for you, but that’s how things are.