List for determinations

It would make the determiner’s work much easier on pc if, when jumping back to the list after a determination of a report, the website opens again as it was left and you don’t always have to scroll through from the beginning. Is it possible to change it?
Best regards

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can you include some URL examples/screenshots of what you’re referring to? Are you talking about the Identify page ( thanks!


I’m not sure, but I think it sounds like you might be using the Explore page to do identifications instead of the Identify page. Your problem might be solved by using the Identify page instead.


Or perhaps he/she is talking about the dashboard. It is effectively an issue with many overviews on Inaturalist and it is very annoying.


Sorry, I had not seen the ID-Modul. I’d used the discover/searching-site,
Thank’s for all


I get annoyed by this, too. It involves observation on my dashboard. I scroll through them, click on one to check on something or to identify it, and when I go back to my dashboard, I return to some higher point. I see observations I already checked. I have to scroll down to find where I was. The computer seems to have maybe three places on the page it will go back to – right near the top, somewhere near the middle, or near the end. That’s good as far as it goes, but sometimes there are a LOT of things on my dashboard and I waste a lot of time scrolling down.

Yes, that was happening to me today. I can get around it by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the observation – that opens the observation in a new tab. But every computer I have ever owned sometimes randomly ignores the Ctrl key and I end up having this problem anyway.

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