Any interactive maps on the site have issues with vector layers (regional boundaries, observation markers, etc.) being improperly aligned, both with each other and with the basemap. I also see some of these features getting cut-off on the map. For example:
Is this something that has always happened for you, or something that changed recently? Does it look OK for you in other web browsers? I believe Safari 12.1.2 is the latest version - is it possible to upgrade (maybe you’d need to upgrade MacOS) and try again? I have 12.1.2 and it looks OK for me.
@pleary I have always had this issue on my computer as far as I can remember. Maps look normal if I use Google Chrome. I will look into upgrading Safari to see if that fixes things.
Would also be interesting to know what, if any, extensions you’re using, and if using it on a different network (like at a cafe or something makes a difference).
@tiwane great idea! It turns out that this is caused by the uBlock Origin extension in Safari. If I disable it, maps look normal! Evidently not a bug in the iNat website.