Microsoft Windows Clipboard: a useful tool for Identify

Check this out: .

I think this will be very useful when working with Identify for quickly selecting frequently identified species or adding the same comment frequently. Do people here already know about it?


to copy a text string, it is enough to press Alt-C, then Alt-V to paste it wherever. Is it working on your computer?

in Windows, the usage would be CTRL+C to copy, and then CTRL+V to paste the latest copied value or [Windows Key]+V to open up the copy history from which you can select different items to paste.

I stand corrected, I was thinking of the Ctrl, but used Alt due to the Alt-Ctrl-Del addiction. :innocent:

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I usually use a Mac, only lately got a Windows PC for office work - and just now found out about the clipboard and the

+ V combination (and even better: it is possible to pin a text string so that even after re-start the copied text remains in the memory) - that would be a very helpful tool for me if I would use iNat on a Windows PC.

This feature, however, made me search if something similar exists for Mac as well, and what I found is even better:
I am now using the program Rocket Typist (basic version is freeware) for frequently used responses and ID-tipps. What’s really helpful is the option to customise a string of characters (e.g. three to four letters) and after typing them they will be automatically converted into the assigned text.

Example: typing 'srco' will be directly (after hitting the space bar) displayed as ‘members of the subfamily Sarcophaginae can almost never be identified without microscopy of the male terminalia’

I find this especially helpful when using Identify for a certain taxon and thus adding explanations and ID-tipps for this specific taxon is made very easy. Of course I could make a template in a text program and copy+paste the sentences, but I find this method is much easier


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