Names for American Kestrel (for example) in Spanish and Haitian Creole (in countries where it occurs)

My organization is making a parade banner depicting Falco sparverius that will read “American Kestrel” in English, and we want to add the common name(s) in Haitian Creole and Spanish. There are several different common names in Spanish I’ve found and I’ve not found the common name in Kreyòl yet. I’ll be having this type of question for other species of animals in future, though the languages may vary—Bengali/Bangla, Amharic, and Arabic are some of the other languages we’ll be using for future projects, since those are the home languages other than English spoken most often in our community. The questions I have at the moment, and need answers to in a somewhat timely fashion, are

What’s the right common name for this species in Kreyòl; is there one of the Latin American Spanish common names for this species that is more common than others, more universal, or not?

P.S. I’m aware this is an animal with various subspecies throughout the Americas. It’s one of the reasons it’s been chosen.

A list of birds from Haiti with Créole names is available from Avibase, which I manage:

Grigri Fran is the name you are looking for for Kestrel in Creole.

An extensive list of names in various languages is also available from the taxon page:

There are many variations of Spanish names available by country:

Spanish: Cernícalo, cernícalo american, Cernícalo Americano, Cernícalo de Juan Fernández, Cernícalo primito, Cerniícal Americano, Cuyaya, Falcón Común, Halcón Común, Halconcito, Halconcito colorado, Halconcito Común, Lis lis, Salnícalo
Spanish (Argentine): Halconcito colorado
Spanish (Bolivia): Halconcito colorado
Spanish (Chile): Cernícalo
Spanish (Colombia): Cernícalo, Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Costa Rica): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Cuba): Cernícalo
Spanish (Dominican Rep.): Cernícalo, Cuyaya, Salnícalo
Spanish (Ecuador): Cernícalo Americano (Quilico)
Spanish (Spain): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (HBW): Cernícalo americano
Spanish (Honduras): Lis lis
Spanish (Mexico): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Nicaragua): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Panama): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Peru): Cernícalo Americano
Spanish (Puerto Rico): Falcón Común
Spanish (Paraguay): Halconcito, Halconcito colorado
Spanish (Uruguay): Halconcito, Halconcito Común, Halcóncito Común
Spanish (Venezuela): Halcón Primito


Welcome to the forum! And great to see someone from Avibase!


Now that’s a name!


(Note that that name refers to the Juan Fernández endemic subspecies Falco sparverius fernandensis, not to the species as a whole.)

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I believe that third one originated as a mispronunciation of the first one. In the Dominican form of Spanish, that is quite possible.

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