Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.
Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website
Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Firefox 90.0
URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:
and I think a few more I can’t find right now…
Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):
Step 1: Annotate a bunch of observations, I’ve been doing Alive/Dead, EoP, and Life Stage, I’m not sure if it happens when just doing one type of annotation.
Step 2: Some of the annotations won’t “stick” to the observation. I will select an annotation either with identify keyboard shortcuts or clicking the dropdown menus, it will show the little “loading” animation, and then it will go back to being empty.
This usually does happen on most observations and it will fix itself in a few seconds or with a page refresh, but a very small number will not stick at all no matter how many times I try. Interestingly, some of them will stick (for example, A/D and EoP will stick, but Life Stage will not).
I’m not sure if other people trying to annotate these will get them to stick, but at least I can’t do it myself. I assume this is some indexing issue, or maybe some database desyncing issue where it’s registered as filled in but not displaying. In either case, I tried annotating the linked observations a couple weeks ago and I still can’t get them to stick.