New open-source project synchronising iNaturalist to ArcGIS

We’ve open-sourced our project for synchronising iNaturalist data to ArcGIS.

Using iNaturalist engages the public in biosecurity surveillance and control.

The backend ArcGIS project (called CAMS weed app) allows us to manage weeds on an ongoing basis. Weeds (in NZ) such as Moth Plant and Old Man’s Beard have a seed bank that lasts 10 years+. The app resets their status each year so that they are revisited for new growth and the record updated.

Here’s a screenshot showing some synchronised data (or here’s a public read-only version of the weed app):

Our project synchronises specific taxa and places of interest from iNaturalist hourly, based on a configuration file. All new and updated observations of specified taxa and place since the previous update are synchronised.

In discussion with the iNaturalist NZ trustees, we have developed the Weed Management Aotearoa NZ iNaturalist project which contains additional observation fields about the weed patch, any control applied to the patch and updates to the status of the weed patch. Additions or updates to these observation fields are synchronised to the CAMS Weed App and can change the colour status of the marker. We store the history of these updates as separate child “Weed Visit” records in the CAMS weed app.

If this is of interest to you, there’s more details in our README and User Guide, as well as the source code and feature file descriptions.

Thanks especially to the pyinaturalist team for their excellent wrapper around the iNaturalist API and for the quick resolutions to questions and issues as we developed the synchroniser app.


PS, here’s a presentation containing additional detail about the synchroniser


iNaturalist and GIS in general are among my favourite video games :grinning:, so I love this idea, but I use QGIS. Don’t suppose you know if anyone is working on a similar integration for this OpenSource GIS programme?


Great project. Hope this will be very useful in coming and reduce the invasive maximum so that countries can adapt into similar projects.


Not that I know of, but you could at least use the iNaturalist side of this synchronisation and adapt the GIS side.


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