New UI/layout in Identify tab?

Seems that way for me too.

Thanks to @pleary for addressing all of the issues everyone mentioned in this thread. Please let us know if you find more odd formatting like this on other parts of the site.


There was a likely related issue with the identifier info taking up the whole screen width when votes were clicked on in the DQA, but that appears to be fixed for me.

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“Agree” button fixed but map controls still in the “wrong” corner. :)

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Can you share a screenshot?

Any better? If not, could you please describe which controls are in the wrong position and where you think they used to be? It would helpful to have URLs since we have maps on many different pages with different controls in different locations. Thanks

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I was referring to the map controls on the identify modal. My apologies but I can’t now remember what it looked like when I posted earlier, it just looked wrong. For consistency with the map on the observation page maybe the Map/Satellite button should be to the right of the scale buttons.

I double checked these today, and you are right that some positions were changed earlier this week when we released some style changes related to right-to-left (RTL) read languages. This morning I pushed some fixes and I am fairly confident the positions of all map controls on Identify, observations detail pages, and taxon pages are restored to where the were before the RTL style release earlier this week.

Yes there are some position differences between Identify and the observation page, and other map implementations, but this has been the case for a long time. If there are any changes folks can identify related specifically to the release earlier this week I’m happy to look into them. Other changes that will modify the long-standing map UIs like what you point out here - enforcing consistency - I’m hesitant to make now and we should consider separate from this post which is focusing on “New” (also unintended) UI changes from earlier this week.


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