Newer Notification not showing

These shots show no new notifications in next for the last 3-4 days, although some newer notifications display on the web.

Is there something I need to remember to do to pull in later notification’s for Next?

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Notifications have not updated in the last six days.

This is on iOS 18.0.1, iPhone 16

Do I need to do something to draw in newer notifications? E.g., close and reopen Next? Or something else?

I tried closing and reopening the app and I tried logging out and in.

Still no updates for Notifications.

Should I moved this to Bugs? I started the topic in this section thinking it was user error.

Please move this to the Next Bugs section. I tried to but it did not work.

Ios18.01, iPhone 16
Next not including newer notifications

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So, it seems only notifications for your own observations will appear in Next.

I was advised of this by @jgw_atx in the similar thread under the Next Bugs section .

So, if one wants to react to notifications about IDs you made for others (e.g, Withdraw an incorrect ID), you still need to do so on the Website.

Which is how it works now anyway with the old iNat app for iOS .

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Something somewhat related to this is that you can’t “refresh” the notifications. I would like if when I scroll on the page, it shows some indication that it’s reloading the page to show new notifications, if there are any. The previous iNaturalist app does this and it makes it easy to know I’m up to date on my notifications. And I can compulsively refresh if that suits me. And sometimes that does!


We have an issue for this:

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We’ll get to this. Current plan is for it to work roughly like the Android app.


Thanks for including Other Observations notifications. I like the separation between notifications for my observations versus observations I am following for other reasons (usually from IDs).