No option to show GBIF locations in taxa maps

I’m using Chrome to work with the iNat

In the web interface, the map shown on each taxon page and within dialogs such as “Compare” and “Suggestions” has a button to choose the “Overlays”, and within that, there’s typically a checkbox to include pink squares to mark GBIF occurrences. Today, that went away. I assume this was disabled by a recent software change.

Before the change (with GBIF option)

After the change (without GBIF option)

Update: I am seeing the GBIF option on at least one newly opened taxon page. Maybe a caching issue?

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Also occasionally have this issue. Some sp. never have the GBIF option

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Please share specific URLs if you see this happening.

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I’m seeing no GBIF Overlay option on this taxon:

Same behavior on this observation:

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Thanks, I’m sorry I didn’t see the scientific name in your screenshots! I’m told it happens when our taxonomy and GBIF’s taxonomy isn’t mapped correctly (“mapped” meaning that we know the relationship of the taxa between the two databases). We’re not sure why that’s happening in some cases, but this particular example has been fixed. If you find another example, please let me know so we can investigate more throroughly.

Thanks @tiwane. That explanation makes sense. BTW, I just came across another taxon without GBIF data:

Here’s the matching GBIF data:

Is there a way we as curators can fix these issues ourselves, e.g. through the links on the taxon page?

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Let me ask our devs to take a look at this one and see where the error is occuring.

(Also, I generally don’t mark something as Solved until its root cause has been fixed)

Hi again @tiwane. Here’s another taxon without GBIF mapping: . This should map to . I know I moved this taxon to a new genus about a year ago, so maybe that broke the GBIF link for this one?

Hi @brian_d. I read that thread on a similar GBIF issue. The fix that @bouteloua described is very helpful.

I don’t know if what I experienced had the same cause as you’re seeing with arthropods. However, I would suggest it would be best to ask for that thread to be reopened as the context there will be more helpful than the context in this thread.

The issue you raise about this being a haphazard and labor-intensive manual process is very valid. Unfortunately I don’t know the answer. I do think you should file a bug report yourself. My issue was essentially fixed by using @bouteloua’s manual process and I don’t currently forsee that this is going to be a big task for me.