Not receiving notifications when someone comments/disagrees with my ID on a post

Hi! I am wondering why I am sometimes not receiving an iNat notification when someone comments on/suggests a different ID on posts on which I have commented/suggested an ID?

Under my Account Settings, under Notifications, I think I have the correct selections, so I am unsure why I sometimes don’t get notified when someone either comments or makes a different ID than mine.

(I usually do get notified when someone comments, but now I have no idea how many I have been missing now that I have incidentally found one that didn’t notify me…) Thoughts?

You have chosen - Confirming IDs off. It is our only option for managing Notifications, and is of no use to me.

I want to see WHO agrees with me, then I decide when to unfollow that obs.

Hmm, you should be getting notifications for those and I don’t see anything wrong in your settings. There actually isn’t a way to turn off notifications for comments or IDs that are different than yours.

When you click the notification icon in the top right (black or red speech bubble icon), what do you see?

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When I click on the black and/or red speech bubble, I am given a list of my most recent notifications (either comments or contradicting IDs - except the ones that I am somehow not recieving).

Looks like the comment in the observation you linked to is the 7th notification on that list.

You are correct - it is. I was solely using that Glaucous Gull observation link above as an example of what I have been dealing with. I did receive a notification for woodswoman’s comment, as you mentioned, but there are similar instances to this observation where I have not received an alert.

I apologize for my lack of clarification.

ok, seemed like you didn’t because you said the above in your first post.

please open a new topic in Bug Reports when you do have a “real” example so that the staff can investigate

For sure, I can see how it appeared confusing. I will delete that example to prevent further confusion. Thank you for your assistance.
I will work on finding a real example with a relevant link and post it under Bug Reports.

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