If I disable the “Confirming ID’s” notifications in my Account Settings, will I still get notifications if someone posts a confirming ID that also includes a comment, or will I only get notifications for comments that are posted separately from IDs?
I would like a bit less notification clutter, but I want notifications for all comments. Sometimes an agreeing comment can be important - it could be useful context from an expert identifier about what features in the photo help identify the species, or it could be a question about habitat on a genus-level agreement to help narrow down species, or something else. I’ve been too anxious about missing potentially interesting or important comments to test turning off the Confirming ID’s notifications.
There are a few threads about this on the forums, mostly from a few years ago; but people’s experiences seem mixed, there seems to have been a bug (not sure how frequent it was/is), and I don’t know if the design has changed since then.