Notifications on iNaturalist - Please Share Your Ideas!

Thanks for reminding me of that. I would be reluctant to do that, though, because if the users were disagreeing with me on the species I would definitely want to know about it before my ID became a maverick.


Me, too! I do a lot of general IDs on State of Matter Life observations, so I get a lot of notifications where I can’t tell on the dashboard or from “Show More” whether there is a disagreement or not. I have to open the observation to find out. Example observation:


I open the What’s This at the Community Taxon, to see if we agree or not. Which is lots of extra clicks, but gives me a clear answer.


That would be great in “show more,” to compare with one’s own ID.


Yep, it’s extra clicks either way. I just wish it showed on the dashboard, and then there wouldn’t be a need for any extra clicks. :)


I hope the bird example I gave and the screen shots I added to my reply to paloma helped explain it.

Personally, I see it as less of a display issue and more of an efficiency issue. As both paloma & I have stated, it slows us down to have to open the observation instead of just being able to see the potential disagreement in the activity feed. It also slows the process of getting observations to their best fit taxonomy levels, because my IDs remain unknowingly dissenting, requiring a higher amount of other IDs to move the community taxon.

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same here. Why just not change the background color of the item in the dashboard to reflect the fact you have already reviewed it?
When you spend hours reviewing obs, and you get 25ish notifications back, it’s a hard work tracing back which ones you have already processed given the jungle of notifications for comments and the like.
and to newcomers as I am not getting feedback translates in the impression fellow iNatters just do not care.


Maybe this doesn’t happen often enough to matter, but I sometimes act on an observation in the Identify Modal that had previously triggered a notification for me. Without going to the observation page, the notification isn’t cleared, though I’ve obviously seen the thing that triggered the notification already.


Right now if someone @ mentions me in a comment on an observation I’m following, I get two notifications – one that a new comment has been added, and another that I’ve been mentioned. I would prefer to only get a single notification if that’s possible.


Please recheck the translations when changes will be done. I always felt that they sounded wrong, only today looked closely, it says “идентификация” instead of “идентификацию”.


When I’m following a user and they make new observations, I get a notification which tells me how many new observations they made. But when I’m subscribed to a taxon and/or location and new observations are made, the notification doesn’t say how many new observations there are. This is particularly annoying when there are exactly 4 new observations, so the row of thumbnails on the notification is full, but I have to click on the notification to open a new page to figure out that, no, there weren’t more than 4 new observations. So, a subscription notification should say how many new observations I’m being notified about.


I would like to see better ways to get notified about new or changed observations in Projects that I manage. I like the idea of a summary such as: 5 new observations added to your XYZ project, 1 observation changed in your XYZ project. Then the ability to click to expand the list.

Also, notification when someone joins the projects so I can welcome them.


welcome to the forum!


I would like the ability to follow people without receiving notifications about their observations. This probably defeats the whole purpose of following someone, but there are a few situations where you would like to follow someone and you don’t want your dashboard to be filled with these kind of notifications:
-You have a good relationship with the person
-The person has helped you with identifications and you want to return the favor in some way!


The main thing that would help, is a dashboard for taxa and locations I subscribe to, where hits under their respective categories are listed. For example, I go to a page with all these place names I subscribe to, then there is a reverse chronological list UNDER each heading to show what hit occur. Or maybe you click into each subscription to reach another page, if that’s easier.

This dashboard (or filtered view) would not have anything regarding mentions, comments, or identifications. People I follow should also be in a separate dashboard (or filtered view).

If that’s already basically what you said above, forgive me, I’m putting it into my own words.



The notification totals on the little speech bubble on the website and on the app NEVER clear for me unless I click one of the events or click the icon and then “View your dashboard”:

  1. In the app and view a notification event (like an @ mention, comment, or new ID on an observation I’m following)? The lit up speech bubble on the web doesn’t change back to gray.
  2. On an observation on the web and see the speech bubble icon light up, so click on home to see my dashboard activity feed?
    The hightlighted speech bubble on the web doesn’t change back to gray.
  3. Already on my home at the website looking at the newsfeed and see the speech bubble light icon up, so refresh the page to see what’s new in the dashboard activity feed? The hightlighted speech bubble on the web doesn’t change back to gray.
  4. View one of the activities on the web and clear the speech bubble icon on the website? It’s still hightlighted as unread in the app in activity (for other users’ observations)
    and/or in the little pink banner on the thumbnail (for my own observations).

I can sort of see the site and app not immediately effecting each other (points 1 & 4), but have no idea why it doesn’t work in the site (points 2 & 3).

I would also like a better way to deal with subspecies ID notifications. Right now, I’m sorry to say, I had to mute quite a number of people who feel strongly that everything needs to go to subspecies because the notifications were overwhelming the stuff I actually wanted to see. As I was thinking about how to work around the issue, one solution that would work for me personally is to keep being able to mute IDs from particular identifiers, but to allow through comments, mentions, and private messages. I don’t have any personal issues with these users, and I would like to be notified if they want to talk with me, I just don’t want the ID notifications.
Anyway, I don’t know that it’s a better solution, but something else to think about.


@tiwane are we still supposed to hold our fire regarding new Feature Requests for notifications? I was going to add one to “Extend the notification opt-out for confirming identifications” specifically to observations of others. I really appreciate that the opt-out exists in the activity settings for my observations, and would love to see it expanded to not just my observations, but the observations of others that I’ve commented on, favorited, etc. There’s a couple comments in this thread that support that idea, but I don’t see an existing Feature Request.

It’s a low-priority, small annoyance: I’m getting a lot of notifications of people who are power-IDers adding the n*th identical identification, and it’s motivated me to 'unfollow" a lot of observations I would prefer to still follow in case someone comments or contributes something novel.


This setting applies to all observations, not just your own. If you’re getting notifications for IDs that exactly match your own, and they don’t have a comment attached, it might be a bug?

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I don’t think it’s a bug. I’m referring to examples such as a moose observation that, for a variety of reasons, I might favorite or add a comment, but not add my own moose ID (usually because the observer ID and community ID is clear and RG and my contribution wouldn’t add value). In those cases, I would prefer to not have a notification when someone adds a confirming moose identification.