When I log on using https://www.inaturalist.org/home, the ‘OotW’ appears in the panel at right … not so if I logon with https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/home.
How can I add the ‘OotW’ to my Aussie dashboard?
Each network site has their own blog and can make their own announcments. Unless something’s of great importance, iNat staff generally don’t choose to make announcements appear on network sites, in case it conflicts with any current announcements running there. So when I make OotW announcments, I just have them appear on iNaturalist.org and not any other sites. They’re always announced on Twitter and Facebook as well.
I guess to answer - there’s nothing you can really do, settings or fuctionality-wise unless you choose to use inaturalist.org. You might want to email iNatAU and ask them if they want us to add OotW announcements on their dashboards.
so equally would that mean that any announcements made on the AU portal would not appear for me when I’m using the broad iNaturalist.org?
I assume yes, but if no and they should still appear, then I can’t recall a single Australia-specific announcement ever being made
I could also see this cross-posting being a bit strange on network sites for countries where English isn’t the primary language. Just having English language content popping up might be a negative.
For Australia and other countries that are primarily English speaking, having the articles/announcements might be useful and not have many “side effects”.
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