Observation on wrong place in overview map

Platform: PC Website

Browser: Opera

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem:

Step 1: Obseravtions are a few kilometers outside the observation place. See observations north and south of the lake where the other observations are correctly displayed.

Step 2: When you click on these observations, in the observation map then, they appear in the right location

Step 3: Instead of a “pin” on the overview map, there is only a blue coloured circle (without pin /needle)

Are these species that are automatically obscured due to being endangered? Go to the page for one of the circle-not-pin observations. If you click “details” underneath the map, it should state whether the observation is being auto-obscured.

There have been feature requests for the overview map to show your own obscured observations in an accurate location: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/view-true-locations-on-maps-for-observations-with-trusted-hidden-coordinates/2568

I think you need to give details on the search you used, it can’t be determined from what you have provided to help replicate/answer

4 posts were split to a new topic: Observations at wrong location on Explore

Hi @francisbirlenbach - Chris is right, URLs are very helpful to assist in resolving issues that come up. I was able to use the place names on the map to search and find these observations.


One of the stemless (circle instead of upside down droplet shape) observations on the map is this one, which is being obscured automatically: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/59119100


If you click Details under the map, it explains further:

If you go to the taxon page, and click the status tab, it shows the conservation status and geoprivacy settings:

If you think something is obscured (or not obscured) in err, click Curation, then Flag for Curation, to start a discussion.

Observation in OP post is obscured, and your description fits it too, check which species it is.

Thanks to all of you. It seems that this taxon is auto-obscured. I didn’t know about this feature in i-Nat… I found more of them in my observations, and indeed, Vanellus vanellus is auto-obscured every time.

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