Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.
Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website
App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About):
Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Firefox 94.0.1 (64-bit)
URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:
Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:
Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):
As of today all observation pages and the identify page are loading blank on
my version firefox but load fine on opera. any help much appreciated thanks.
It looks like this error is related to lack of support for your browser version with the Google Maps Javascript APIs iNaturalist uses. You say you are using Firefox version 94.01, and it appears that versions up until 98 will have the same issue (not sure if versions after that might have other issues as well).
If the change is recent, it may be due to an update of the Google Maps Javascript API that has introduced changes not compatible with older browsers. If you are unable to update Firefox, all I can recommend for the time being is to try another web browser, like Opera which you say is loading fine.