Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.
Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Web
Hi everyone, I have a problem, I am not able to open the observations page with its images, the map and all its ciontenuti do not load.
it will be helpful to get the exact URL that you’re trying to visit, along with screenshots of exactly what you see on your screen and which browser you’re using. you could also try opening up developer tools in your browser to see if any errors are logged, and take a screenshot of that, too.
it will probably be very difficult to troubleshoot without at least some of what i’ve noted above. on my end, i don’t see any general problems with the Explore page or the Observation detail page.
in Chrome, go to the main menu, and select More Tools > Developer Tools. if there are any items that pop up in red in either the Console or Network sections, capture those in a screenshot.
here’s an example of what i see with Developer Tools open with Network on top and Console on bottom (showing no errors):
in your first error, try mousing over the link to the right of the message. copy the link, and paste it into a new browser window URL, and see what it returns. (please provide both the full link and the screenshot of what it returns.)
I encountered the problem, the link refers to a request for access blocked by the system administrator, the problem is probably the use of a proxy, I try with a computer without constraints. Thanks
for any moderator that sees this, it may be time to close out this thread, since Ciccoman was able to resolve his problem by switching to a browser without a proxy server in the middle.