Observations are not loading on the page

Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability, it will help us investigate bugs if we have this information at the outset. Screenshots are especially helpful, so please provide those if you can.

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Android

App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About):

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Chrome and Firefox

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:



Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices: https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/):

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

Step 1:

I use the Internet from the Russian provider Beeline both directly on my phone and transferring the Internet to my laptop via Wi-Fi. Suddenly this morning the observations stopped loading. Only the top and bottom of the menu pages are loaded, but not the observations themselves.
This is in both Chrome and Firefox.
When I switch to another provider, everything works well and the observations are loaded.
I contacted Beeline technical support and they said that they did not set any restrictions. They assumed that these were restrictions from your site for their company. I’m guessing they’re lying or didn’t understand my question.

Can you please email your IP address (for when you’re using Beeline) to help@inaturalist.org? You can find your IP address by going to https://whatsmyip.com/ Don’t share your IP here.

Yes, I email my IP to you.
Private browsing session not help.

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Communicated with Igor about this via email. As far as we can tell, this isn’t an iNat issue as we weren’t receiving any requests from the Beeline IPs he was using, so they seem to be timing out somewhere before getting to us.