Potential disagreement popup does not show up when selecting a higher taxa from suggestions tab in identify mode

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This observation is just my latest example, I do not know if it intended. As you can see in this picture my first(withdrawn) suggestion was done through the suggestion tab( denotated by the symbol next to the id withdrawn text).
I did not get the potential disagreement pop up

The popup does appear if inputting a higher taxon into the add identification input

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

Step 1: Go to identify mode

Step 2: click on a observation

Step 3: go to suggestions tab

Step 4: click on a suggested species (in this case Hydrocotyle bonariensis)

Step 5: On the species page select a taxon level from the taxonomy section that is higher than the already existing suggestion by another user ( in this case genus Hydrocotyle)

Step 6: now on the higher taxa click select this taxon, no popup for potential disagreement appears and it records it as a supporting suggestion rather than a disagreement

I don’t think it’s a bug.

You never get the pop-up using the suggestion tab. It will either disagree because it’s totally different, or only agree if you select a higher taxon that matches the ID.

If you want the pop-up, you need to ID using the Info tab or go into the observation itself.

Added a Github issue here: https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/issues/4259

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@dgwdoesthings just a heads-up, we only add “Solved” when the fix has been released. Right now all that’s happened is that I’ve made a bug report for the iNat developers.

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