PoWO won't open and "Loading" forever

IPad Pro 12.9 Gen5, IOS 18.3.1 Any Browser.

For the last two days, PoWO has been unable to open on the iPad and it keeps loading forever, until it says ‘Can’t open page’. Yesterday and today, the page worked sometimes briefly, but every time I am about to add a new taxon \ flag, the server crashes.


Am I the only one who has an error accessing their server or has this been the case for everyone for the last two days?

I have been working with a lot of the IUCN web seminars for the last two days and working on some reef survey \ monitoring websites. Could this be the cause of the error?

remote regards,

I moved this to General since it seems to be about POWO’s website and not iNat’s?

FWIW I can open https://powo.science.kew.org/ fine in Firefox on my Macbook.

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Yes same. It’s working again now. But it hasn’t worked several times in the last few days, for me for the first time.

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OK. iNat has no control over POWO’s site so it wouldn’t be a bug we can investigate or fix.


This happens regularly on their weekly refresh on Mondays, but also other times during the week as well, on occasion. Typically I return in a few hours and it’s fine.