Receive notifications of sightings


Is it possible to receive notifications of sightings from a specific location ?

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Sure is; right hand side of your home page


With this method they wonā€™t appear in the notifications in the top right, but they will show up on your dashboard! Just FYI to OP.


If itā€™s ok, Iā€™d like to piggyback on this topic and ask if there might be a way, when subscribing to a place or taxon, to filter out Casual observations? I seem to only be able to do that when I manually search for things via the Explore option. Iā€™d love it if I could do that at the subscription level if itā€™s possible.

Thereā€™s no filter for quality grade with Subscriptions as they currently exist, but theyā€™ll be revamped (hopefully) later this year. I can double check to see if a quality grade option is part of that.

UPDATE: a quality grade option will be included.


I did not find this option. is it in the app or on the web version?

web version

OK, I found it (I was not looking on the right side).

On the other hand, there are places (in France) which do not appear in the proposed list.

Is there a way to add them back?

Do you mean add them back in that they used to be places on iNat but now you canā€™t find them, or do you actually mean add them in the sense they never existed on iNat

The place exist when I explore the observations map but I canā€™t find that place when I search her for add to my follow list.

This is because those two search bars are searching for different things. The observations map (Explore tab) is searching for places and locations via Google Maps; note that you can search for things like individual house numbers. Conversely, the subscription search is searching for actual ā€˜placesā€™ on iNaturalist (i.e. If the place youā€™re looking for does not exist on iNat as an official ā€˜placeā€™, you can create one via (keep in mind though that creating large places is resource intensive for iNat).

A possible alternative is to search for that place via the explore tab, and then bookmark that search. Of course this will not show up on your dashboard as updates, but you can visit the bookmark whenever you like to see new observations.


Thank you so much, @tiwane Thatā€™s awesome news.

@tiwane any way you would be able to share more details about the ā€œrevampingā€ of the subscription system?

Iā€™m often getting questions concerning the possibility to monitor the reporting of ā€œneobiotaā€ species by iNat users here in Luxembourg.
We tried with subscribing to place&taxon, but as its quite a long list of taxa this seems to run into limitations.


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