Remember search position in World map

The world map is a good place to start in search for anomalies.
One can zoom in very well and see (by the pop ups) what ID has been made already for a particular observation and when the ID is acceptable you can simply close the popup and continue.
However, when you link (from the popup) to the record itself to make some annotation and want to go back to the area you were exploring, you are directed to the general world map, from where you have to navigate and zoom in again and again to the particular ‘valley’ that you were checking. Time consuming and somewhat annoying…

In browser on a pc you can ctrl-click the link to open it in a new tab. Then ctrl-tab to go to that tab, and when finished ctrl-f4 to close it and you will be back at the map again.

It does seem very strange that it doesn’t default to the most recent location use. I tend to use the saved pins function, but even that adds a step that feels unnecessary.

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