Repeated names for Holm oak

The Portugese name for Holm oak is Azinheira. The species has been subject to a scientific name change from Quercus ilex to Quercus rotundifolia sp. ilex. However, I believe this change is not totally consensual among botanist.
Anyway, when I introduce the Portugese name in the App, he associates different scientific names to the record, regarding the use of a capital A as first letter of the name:
Azinheira gives Quercus ilex
azinheira gives Quercus rotundifolia.
See the image.
I think this should be corrected to always Q. rotundifolia.


This is just a taxonomy problem not an iNat bug, per se, so shouldn’t be reported here. Problems with taxonomy are best dealt with by flagging the taxon page that you believe needs attention. To answer the question, though, both Quercus ilex and Q. rotundifolia are valid taxa according to the authority iNat follows
I’m not sure which of these is should be labelled Azinheira but a quick Google search suggests it is usually applied to Q. ilex. If it’s not a general name applied to both and you can determine which is in error then flag the taxon page of the wrongly labelled one and ask for the Portuguese name to be changed.

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