I’m looking for good online resources (or maybe books) to help ID Indo-Pacific fishes.
In particular, the resource should not only cover the most well-known taxa, but also more cryptic groups (e.g. gobies). It should also include a description of the diagnostic characters (not just pictures of the taxa).
Something like this (https://biogeodb.stri.si.edu/caribbean/en/pages) but for the Eastern Indian - West Pacific Ocean
Are you familiar with something like this?
I use:
Fiji Reef Fish by Mark Rosenstein. (iNat user/identifier).
Reef Fish Identification Tropical Pacific, Gerald Allen, et al.
If you can read French, WEINBERG, S. & LIBERT, F. (2018). Découvrir la vie sous-marine – Mer Rouge, océan Indien, océan Pacifique. Tome 2. Éditions GAP. (Francois Libert also iNat user/identifier)
There are many pdf file ebooks searchable using Google. such as https://www.museum.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/motomura/TFG_lowres.pdf
I think these pdf files are from universities in Asia Pacific. Australia, Taiwan, various other countries.
There will be unknown fish deep in the ocean. There are many unknown cryptic fishes.
Thank you! I did know the Allen book but it is centred on the Pacific and I’m interested in the Eastern Indian Ocean at the moment.
Amazingly, I didn’t know Weinberg’s book, although I have the ones on the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Thanks!