Restricting Observations in Project to Natives Only

I have created a project for local revegetation groups to use to find seed sources for various species. However, I only want native species to show up in the project, as anything else is unwanted clutter.

At this current stage, any Tracheophyta in the appropriate place, that uses an observation field which defines a plant’s sex, will show up. I’d rather not have to have a further observation field of “Native/Exotic”, but this might be the only way?

Is it a Collection Project? Use these selections

This is the project:

I don’t see ‘Establishment Means’ as a possible rule when I edit the project.

Yes, but be aware that native/introduced statuses on iNat are user-added and so are almost always incomplete.


This is a traditional project.
I presume you want to add the observation to the project yourself for it to reflect? Not all the observations in the area that may meet the criteria.

What I suggested previously was a collection project.

In Edit mode go to Observation rules.
Under Add a New Rule, see if there is an option that will meet your criteria.

If this is not a viable option hopefully someone else will have a solution. Then I learn as well.

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There isn’t one in traditional projects for establishment means, I just double-checked.

One option would be to make a project list then add all the taxa you’r einterested in to that list. That’s only feasible for a small number of taxa.

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Is it possible to then do the opposite, and exclude all marked as introduced? Non-natives will slip through, but at least it’ll exclude many.

I was hoping that all observations in the area that meet the criteria would be automatically added. I thought that was how it was originally working, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now.

Perhaps best approach is to delete and remake the project?

Yes, I think a collection project might be a better choice.

Definitely true. Also, anyone can edit establishment means, so @duncanross this might be a chance for you to do so if you have some knowledge of what’s native and what’s not there. See

Is it possible in such a collection to implement an ‘Observation Field’ rule? Knowing whether a plant produces fruit (female, bisexual/hermaphroditic, apomictic) is useful, as is whether it’s a male, for cuttings, or sterile.

I think I will spend some time on this :)

Sorry, forgot you wanted an observation field rule. No, it’s not possible to do that.

One thing you could always do is still use the traditional project, go to its observations, and restrict the search results to only native taxa by adding &native to the URL.

However, traditional projects only allow manual addition of observations, it’s not automatic.

Ah… I just deleted the project to reuse the name. Is there any way to get it back, or to recreate another traditional project?

As it stands, this new project is pretty useless for my purposes.

EDIT: I found the hidden-away ‘Here’ link for creating traditional projects.

Is there a particular reason observation fields aren’t a part of collection projects?

Is there any way to get it back

Since I gave you the wrong advice, this is a case where we might try that. I’ll ask our devs. Looks like there were 62 observations in it as of this past Saturday (US time)

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It’s okay, I figured out how to make it. It was quite a small project, so it will be easy enough to rebuild.