Is there a way to manually remove observations from a collection project?

I recently created a project for non-native herp species in Florida, and the best way I could think to do this was to exclude all native species and higher taxa (if they are endemic). I didn’t just include all known non-natives so that if a new one popped up or some exotic pet escaped it would immediately be included in the project. The problem with this is that native species currently IDed at a higher taxa will appear in the project (i.e. Testudines= Gopherus polyphemus). Is there a way for me to manually remove observations from the project to take care of this? Or are there any other suggestions for how to solve this problem? I’m thinking that the best solution might just be to make a list of current non-natives and add them.

If it’s a traditional project (as opposed to a collection project), then nothing will appear in it automatically. You have to manually add an observation, and you can of course manually remove it as well. Are you sure that your project is a traditional project?

mbmb it is a collection project

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What about if you only admit RG observations? That would of course also exclude non-native species which are not IDed… not sure which is the bigger problem, so don’t know if that helps.


There is not a way to manually remove observations from collection projects.

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Appreciate it, that’s probably the best solution. Really should have thought of it myself :joy:


When you’re in the edit view of your project, you could also click “preview observations with these observation requirements” and get your list of native herp taxon_ids, then you can create an identify URL search for your area that excludes species on the list (without_taxon_id=) and only shows observations at rank species or lower (hrank=species).