Saving pictures to a favorites location

I am interested in wildflowers, and when I review the daily e-mail that I receive from iNaturalist, I often see a picture that I would like to keep for future reference, and also the discussion in the identification by others. Does the app have a way of saving this info to a folder that I can easily get to? I understand that photos of others do not belong to iNaturalist, and they may not be used without the consent of the owner, in some cases.

So you don’t want to fave the whole observation and want just a photo from it to be saved?

There is a function called “fave” that is represented by a star and is available in the app and also from the web interface. This saves the observation to a lists of your favorites, which is accessible from the web, but I don’t think from the app (someone correct me if I’m wrong). It does not save the photos or the discussion locally, so if the observer decides to delete the observation, this information would disappear. Is this the function you’re looking for or were you hoping for something else?


what happens when you “fave” an observation?

This sounds like what I’m looking for. You have to excuse me, but I’m not real familiar with the functions of the site, yet. I’m using the web version most often. I did set up a “favorites” location using the list function, but I’m not sure how to go about populating it with observations that I would like to keep.

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When you fave an observation, it goes into your list of favorites, and it notifies the observer that someone faved their observation. Other people can also see that you faved the observation.

To fave an observation, just click on the little star under the map on the observation page.

If you then want to look at the observations in your favorites, you can go to the drop-down from your user icon in the upper right and select Favorites.

You can also find it under your username at

Or just simply navigate to


Thanks, so much !!


There are actually quite a few things you can do with photographs from iNat. I’m just learning myself, but I’ve discovered some things that might be helpful.

First, a List (in iNat’s use of the term isn’t the way to go.

The Observation page is key. Near the bottom of each photo are three icons. Ignore the middle one (flag as inappropriate) but pay attention to the other two. The icon on the left–C or CC in a circle–indicates the copyright settings chosen by the user who uploaded the photo; more on that later. The lower case “i” is for information, and clicking on that will give you more info.

Also notice that below each photo there may be links to other photos that are part of the Observation, so be sure you are looking at the photo you are interested in before clicking the i.


Clicking the i will display the following screen:

The Photo number is simply a sequential identifier assigned to each photo (not Observation) uploaded to iNaturalist. Then there’s the copyright owner’s name–in this case mine–which is the user who uploaded the photo.

The CC means that I have chosen to make this a Creative Commons license, rather than a standard Copyright. In fact, I am using iNat’s default, which is a BY-NC license, meaning you may use my photo as long as you credit me as the owner (BY) and use it for noncommerical (NC) purposes only. So if you want to make my photo the desktop image on your computer, I’m OK with it. Or if you have a personal blog (from which you do not make any money) and want to share my photo, crediting me, that OK, too. But you can’t put it on t-shirts or greeting cards and sell them. In any case, it is considered a common courtesy that if you publish someone’s photo (from iNat or elsewhere) you let them know, so you’d want to message me if you put my photo on your hypothetical blog.

Back to the photo page: the information in the top line is repeated with a graphic that links to for an explanation of the CC license terms.


Then there’s some basic info about the photo. You can even choose to save a photo in different sizes using these links:


Remember that just because you can (in the technical sense) save a photo does not mean you can (in the legal or ethical sense) do anything you want with somebody else’s photograph. Use these features with care. It’s probably enough just to “fave” an Observation. But now you know what the possibilities are.


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