Search by species name - filters?

I’m trying to search for photos of larvae of an insect and the filters don’t have this as an option. I’ve reviewed about 5 pages of species and it seems to only show photos of adults. I can’t add “larva” or “larvae” after the species names; when I preface name with “larva” or “larvae” I get all larvae photos. Am I missing something or is this not currently possible?

You are able to sort observations marked as “larva” under the Identify tab. Filters->More Filters->With Annotation->Life Stage->Larva.


In addition, on any observation that is already annotated as a larva, you can click on the text “Life Stage” and then follow the link “view observations annotated …” like so:


This will produce this URL: which you can modify with whatever other criteria you want.


For another option, you can use the photo browser too. Go to the taxon page (Family in this example, could be Species or any level of interest) and click “View More” at the bottom of the photo box:

Then sort for a specific life stage on that page:


In the Explore section of the Android app, you can filter by annotation (such as insect life stage). It’s weird to me that that functionality is available everywhere on the website except Explore.


Another potential issue is that these larva are not recorded on iNat, or that they have never been annotated. I’ve come across this issue with numerous species when looking for eggs.

If you do find a larval photo for your insect, it’s helpful to both annotate it and add it to the curated photos so that it is easy for others to find :)



Thanks. Will help me post better initial ID’s.

Thank you.

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