Search within own observations or projects on mobile

Often I find that I need to search through my own observations or those on a project page in order to find a specific observation that had a verified ID or to pull up the image to see if someone I’m working with recognizes the species.

This is easy to do on the online version, but seems to be left out of the app (at least on iPhone and iPad).

If this sort of search functionality could be added to the mobile app it would be very useful.

Yes please!!! Especially when I suddenly have an ID or correction for something I’ve seen like 10 times - I would like to be able to fix it while I’m out on mobile and it’s fresh in my mind but I have too many observations to find it without search.

Yes, absolutely would be nice. Please!

Rudimentary search functionality for one’s own observations is available on Android, so this would fall under the “Bring up the iOS app to feature parity with the Android app.” as one of iNat’s goals for the year.

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Nice, there are some good goals set out for this year.

Funny, I remember when the IOs app was far ahead of the Android app, now it seems things have swapped.

I hope Bolinas was nice despite the stormy weather. That’s right near where I grew up, so that stretch of land holds a special place in my heart.


It’s a beautiful spot! But yeah, we were pretty much housebound the entire time there.

Simply put, a lot of the underlying code of the iOS app is old, and that has to be updated piece by piece (while still leaving the app functional, so it takes time) before we add new features to it.

I’ll close this topic since it’s already on the planning board.