i can’t tell by your last post exactly whether you’re saying you still see a problem with the snakes or not. i don’t have the iOS app, but on Android, things look fine:
note the parameters i used were:
- user id = a_awesome
- taxon = snakes
- search area = global
- include research grade = true
- include needs id = true
note that it returns 42 records, which matches what the website returns. i’ve circled the cottonmouth (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/15361839) and diamondback watersnake (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/20561657) observations which i believe are the ones that could have been problematic.
i believe these could have been problematic because prior to your last post, they both had mappable flag = false. since you’ve change the cottonmouth observation to something other than private geoprivacy, that observation is now mappable = true. however, the diamondback watersnake observation is still mappable = false.
"total_results": 1,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 30,
"results": [
"id": 20561657
so if you’re saying that in the iOS app, the diamondback watersnake observation is still not showing up in the Explore page, even when searching globally, then there is probably an issue with the iOS app – in which case, i’m guessing it could be excluding observations where mappable = false, even when search area is global.
but as i said before, i can’t tell for sure based on your last post whether or not you still see a problem. if the iOS app displays the info somewhere, it would be helpful to see screenshots of the number of records returned, the last 6 (the earliest 6) observations returned in the set (including the cottonmouth observation), the parameters that have been applied in the search, etc.
it’s not clear to me why the diamondback watersnake observation would have mappable flag = false. normally, this would only be set to false on non-private observations only if the accuracy value is huge. so you could try adjusting the accuracy value to see if that changes the flag. (if it does, the api.inaturalist.org link above should return total_results = 0.)