Share your Curricula!

Do you have a curriculum or lesson plan that involves iNaturalist or Seek? Share a link below!

This is a wiki post, so just click on the “Edit” button on the lower right-hand corner of this post to add a link (you must be at trust level 1). I’ll start things off with a few links.

All Ages


  • “Water” You Observing This is a lesson targeted for Grades 3-5 about using observations of an organism to understand behavior and adaptations. The iNaturalist photos used in this video were with explicit permission of the observer. I know a Kindergarten teacher that used this lesson where she provided a lot of supports. by Anne Lewis





My labs and projects are getting an overhaul because of COVID-19 to try and accommodate remote learning but the lab, videos and projects I use in a college course (general biology) are available to anyone who wants to use/edit them for their own needs. I did make a new series of videos recently to try and direct my students a little more than in the past.

Undergraduate Course (General Biology II)


Also for anyone interested I use a badge system in the learning management system we use at Austin Community College which is Blackboard. I am sure you can adapt the images to any system you use. You can find the images I use and a description of the badges here:


Hello! @aaronliston was kind enough to share his iNaturalist activity for his botany class at Oregon State University. I modified what he created to transition my entomology insect collection project to a virtual collection. Thus far, I’m LOVING the change. Students get close to real time feedback on their specimens and IDs. In addition, students can SEE each other’s specimens through time . . . something they don’t get to do when they build an insect collection on their own.

I don’t know how to post the activity that wiki, (perhaps I don’t have the proper trust levels?). I don’t see the edit button on the wiki, or else it is not yet accessible to me
Here is our class project page:


Since you’re new here, you can’t yet edit the wiki. One of the mods can give you that permission and probably will do so soon.

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