Sightings not accepeted - Habitat not filled out

I tried to add sightings to an Alaska Wild project but none were accepted as “habitat not filled out”. ??? What and where is this on a typical sight posting?

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That most likely refers to a required observation field. Some traditional projects have these. If you are on your observation page and try to add it to the project by clicking into the project field, it should pop up a window asking you for that information. You need to be a project member for it to show up in the list of projects you can add to.


I just don’t see it - never saw “habitat” firld as a choice on any type of observation.

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Tried another project - Biodiversity of Alaska. Did a “test” submission - result: “None of those observations could be added to the project “Biodiversity of Alaska”: collection and umbrella projects do not allow direct submission”. I give up - left that project as well.

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On the web, when you’re on an observation’s page, e.g., in the right column, between “Projects” and “Top Identifiers of …”, there’s a box called “Observation Fields”. These are arbitrary user-created fields, so you have to know the name of the one you’re searching for. Assuming the 1st project you mentioned is this one:

… the exact spelling you need is “Habitat”, without the quotation marks. (Since these fields are user-created, there are a vast number of them, many in different languages, or with typos, or unused, so you have to be careful.)

For the 2nd project, collection projects are basically a saved search, so you don’t need to manually add your observations: if your observation meets the criteria of the project, it will be included automatically. Being a member of a project like that just lets you see which of your observations meet the criteria, and otherwise isn’t necessary. The other main type of project, “traditional” projects, are for things which are difficult to search for, like observations of feathers, roadkill, or endangered species. The 3rd type, umbrella projects, are for managing several projects under one “umbrella”, so technically shouldn’t have any observations of their own.

In future, if you encounter another problem like this, it’s really helpful if you include links to the pages which are giving you trouble. In this case the URL of an observation you were having trouble adding and the URL of the project you were having trouble adding it to would have made it easier for someone to help you more quickly.


Thanks. I did find the habitat field. However, this particular project would require me to go thru the hundreds of my observations and alter each individually in order to add them to the project . Thanks bu no thanks.

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But I don’t see in the project description that this field is obligatory, should it be so? In traditional project it is shown:

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