Specie that doesn't appear in the app

Hi, i found a coleptera specimen that its specie doesn’t appear in the app, his name is Barotheus andinus, or named Ancognatha carbonaria, the genus Ancognatha appear but the specie doesn’t.

Welcome to the iNat forum! To raise an issue about a specific taxon like this, or ask for inclusion of a new taxon, please flag the relevant taxon on iNaturalist itself. In this case, you could go to https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/250990-Ancognatha and click on Curation to Flag for Curation. You can explain why the species should be added (with some links to sources) and initiate a discussion.

In some cases, you may be able to import a species from a source as well.
There’s some info here: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/curator+guide#adding