Species on project page not equal to species on page filtered by project name

I manage a project page for National Capital PRISM https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/invader-detectives-national-capital-region
Tonight I noticed that the number of species (38) shown on our project page does not equal the number shown by the iNaturalist home page if I use Explore filtered only by our project name (36).
Shouldn’t these be an exact match? Screenshots below.
thanks, Sara

this is because the Explore page excludes Casual grade observations by default, and your project includes Casual grade observations. just uncheck the Verifiable filter in the Explore page filter menu, and you’ll get back more or less the same set of results: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=invader-detectives-national-capital-region&verifiable=any.


Oh bless you pisum, you are my new favorite person!!!


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