Suddenly >1,000 observations to be updated in the app

Platform: Android

App version number: 1.21.15

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem:
planned to upload only one observation, now the observation is triplicated and suddenly 1051 observations should be synchronized. I cannot replicate if I did anything different then my usual workflow.


sometimes when strange stuff happens to me in the app, i log out and then log back in. that purges everything and reloads. (if you really did have stuff to sync, those changes would be lost.)

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There is something goofy with the android app. I never make new observations with it, but sometimes it will give that prompt to upload and sync. Usually it is just for 2 or 3 observations so I just ignore it. A few days ago it suddenly said sync 23. I could never find a way to figure out which observations it was trying to sync and why, so I usually just end up logging out and logging back in and that clears the message. But, it does give the warning that doing so will lose any observations not synced. That isn’t a problem for me since I don’t usually create observations in the app. I still wonder what it is trying to sync though.


could it be trying to sync past observations that have had comments added [edit: by others]? Or that have had CID change since last sync’d [edit: from others IDing]?

In my case I don’t think the sync notification was because I had updated or changed anything. When the notice jumped from saying to sync 3 to 23 observations, I definitley hadn’t made any changes. It’s a little confusing that it says sync which to me means sync both ways, but then the button says upload which is only one way. When you open the app or pull down to refresh in the app that’s pulling updates made on the website into the app I believe. So I don’t think that is part of the “sync” process. I just wish there was some way to see what the app wants to upload before you do it.

@carnifex did you change your site affiliation, licenses, or anything else? If this happens to anyone, please send us log files ASAP so we can take a look. To send log files, go to the About tab in the app and tap three times on the version number. You will then have the option to email the log files to us.

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No, I didn’t change anything - just my normal workflow. Next time will send the log files.

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